Blog Graveyard

From what I hear, blogging is something that takes a lot of work. That's not something I have personal experience with, despite the many, many blogs I've started in my life. Note the keyword there. Started.
I've developed tons of ideas for blogs, named about a dozen of them, occasionally purchased a domain name ( being the best example, as I purchased it several years ago and am only now getting it off the ground), and in extreme cases, I've even written a post or two.

But, then before you know it, that little demon known as anxiety poofs into place on my shoulder, and the angels of self-confidence and inspiration are nowhere to be found. It may take a couple of weeks, or it may only be hours. He convinces me that no one is interested in what I have to say. My writing isn't good enough, my ideas aren't original enough, and even if they were, I don't have enough of them to fill out an entire blog.

When it comes down to it, that last one is the killer. I like to write. It helps me think through my ideas, whether they're significant and philosophical or small, personal thoughts. I'm happy to write simply for myself, even if my writing did lack skill and mass appeal. I could write enough words for three short blog posts without getting out of bed. Still, that demon convinces me that I have no follow-through and no single topic can hold my interest long enough to produce content for a blog.

And that was the trick. My attention is short and my interests varied. Tying myself to a single topic was, is, and always will be a mistake. I love science and technology. I love being a mom, and a feminist. I love reading good books and watching bad TV. And I love writing, so why not write about them all?

So now I start yet another blog, but this time I refuse to limit myself - or you, dear reader. Feel free to click around to the different sections and even visit my Pinterest page to get an idea of my interior design skill, or my Facebook author page, and for hilarity's sake, as well as to keep me honest, check out some of the selected tombstones throughout this Graveyard of Blogs:
FemmeBotte - a woman's tech blog, in theory
LMNOP - my horrible attempt at a webcomic
NeoVagabond - a travel blog where I never got around to doing any traveling
Cell Savers - here I was going to teach people ways to cut their cellphone costs. I never actually finished my first post, but I published it right now just for my own embarrassment
Blending Today - a food blog I started after I bought an expensive Blendtec blender
What Not to Watch - I watch bad TV so you don't have to. (full disclosure: I ended up watching the entire run of Drop Dead Diva and quite liking it, but my original critique still holds)

Keep in mind that these aren't even half the blogs on my Blogger dashboard, but they do hold a reasonable example of the type of interests I'd like to blog about here. I may even update and recycle some of the posts that I deemed good enough to actually publish in the first place.


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