Disney Movie Club - reenrollment

Disclaimer: If you sign up using my link, you will receive an extra movie and I will receive 2 movies myself. You also have your commitment requirement knocked down by one!

My family first joined the Disney Movie Club a few months ago, and we've already fulfilled our commitment, meaning that we're ready to sign up again, which will get us the entry package of 5 movies for $1 again, plus the bonus 2 movies on our old account for using our own referral link. Score!

If you're interested in signing up, click below. Or if you just want to know more, read on.

TL;DR: Sign up for DMC. Get the newest movies you can in your promo package. Take the offer for the two extra discounted movies. Buy new and pre-order movies to fulfill your commitment. Enjoy your movies 💝

Disney Movie Club is essentially just a way for Disney to force-feed members their movies. But if you use it right (and you want the Disney movies anyway - this is a crucial part of the plan) you can save plenty over buying them elsewhere.

First off, I want to explain the basics. DMC provides an introductory offer to get you to sign up. In this case, it's 5 movies for a dollar. Then over the course of the next two years, you are obligated to buy 4 more movies from them at full price. Every month, they'll send you a mailer promoting some movie (usually something new or newly re-released) that they'll send you automatically unless you tell them not to. This movie counts toward your commitment if you receive it. Once you've satisfied your commitment, you get bumped to VIP status which doesn't mean much except you can get 60% off additional movies when you buy one at full price. So in essence, DMC works the same way as the infamous Columbia House CD subscription I had in high school, with one enormous difference: the internet.
The internet means that canceling your "featured title" every month is ridiculously simple. Just jump onto your online account and decline it. I've also heard tales that if you forget to cancel and mark the package "Return to Sender" they'll credit your account, but in 9 months of membership I've never had to test that out.

Okay now before we get any further, let me warn you about the sticker shock. Blu-rays on DMC are $29.95 and DVDs are $19.95. These are the prices you need to pay to satisfy your obligation. So at first glance, it doesn't sound like a good deal. But there are three things to keep in mind: First of all, you just got 5 movies at 20 cents apiece. Secondly, they regularly offer pre-order movies with a five dollar discount (this is for Blu-ray), taking the cost down to $24.95 but still counting toward your commitment. Finally, when you originally sign up, they'll offer to let you buy two more movies for a discounted price. The first costs $14.95, but more importantly, it will count toward your commitment. The second one costs $9.95, which is definitely worth it even though it doesn't reduce your commitment. So then just three more movies at $25-$30 each and then you're a VIP like me.

So all-in, you have ten new Disney movies for less than $12 apiece when you take shipping into account. If you already know you want to buy upcoming movies (The Last Jedi, perhaps?), you can be assured you'll have opportunities to satisfy your member agreement. They'll also have regular offers to buy extra movies for 50% off - perfect for the less expensive movies you have your eye on (Robin Hood and Mary Poppins spring to mind, as well as some Studio Ghibli films). Use these offers when you plan to buy a full-price title anyway.

And enjoy! Most of our movies came with a digital copy for Disney Movies Anywhere, so my three year old can pull them up all on her own whenever she wants.

Now I just have to convince her to watch Moana or the Nightmare Before Christmas every once in a while instead of Beauty and the Beast, again.


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