Goal: 24 Books in 2017

I decided near the end of last year that I would read 24 books in 2017 (audiobooks included). I was reading a ton at the time, and that seemed like an entirely reachable goal, but not so easy that failure was impossible. Just a few days into April, I'd already finished 12 books, so my victory seemed certain.

Then in May I hit the wall. I still read some, but not every day, and certainly not enough to keep up my pace. Not even enough to finish 24 by the end of the year. Unsurprisingly, it coincided with a downturn in my mental health, but as reading is one of the greatest things for keeping me happy, healthy, sane, and productive, the decline caused some major positive feedback. As I got more lost in my anxiety (and later, depression), I read less, which worsened my mood even more.

But now as I'm coming out of my funk, and starting to write and keep up with my Digital Bullet Journal again, I'm also starting to get back to reading. And as part of that, I'm posting here the page from my BuJo where I have been keeping track of what books I'm reading, when I finish each one, and how I rate each one. So basically Goodreads, except right from the pages of my BuJo which I'm going to be visiting daily anyway.

I only put books on here as I start reading them, so I obviously like to jump around a lot. These are all different formats though, so it depends on what I have on me at the time: Audible, paperback, Kindle, Wattpad, and Kindle library book, respectively. As you can see, if I just finish out the books I'm already reading, I'll only need one more to finish my goal (likely it will be Changes, the next Dresden Files book, as those are audiobooks and go faster when I can't find the motivation to read). Also some more might be added and subbed out. It happens.

I'll update as I finish each one and write a brief review. Wish me luck!


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