So the very day I wrote a post about how to make pour-over coffee, my GI advised me to try a gluten-free diet. After some discussion with my husband, I decided to do a more extensive elimination diet, mainly because if I do have a food sensitivity, but not to gluten, I don't want to go through multiple gluten-free trials to figure it out. The two most common food triggers are wheat and dairy, so those are definitely getting cut, along with eggs, soy, most grain (although I'm still eating rice and quinoa, I'm not replacing wheat with other gluten-free grains), nightshade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, and peppers, mainly) alcohol, and, yes, caffeine. I'm also cutting out most added sugar because I can't eat much in the way of processed food anyway, due to the other restrictions. Immediately after getting the news that I would be going gluten-free (for a two-month trial), I went to a Pizza Hut lunch buffet, because that's what you do. And I did ...
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