And yet...

Okay, so it's been a little bit more than a week since my last "hopefully I'll post every week" post. But the thing is, I haven't actually been slacking off.

I told my husband last week that I feel like "the Jake Suit" - referring to the thing in Adventure Time where Finn can wear Jake's stretchy body as an indestructible suit of armor. Jake still tires and feels all the effects from how Finn is treating his body, but Finn with his infinite energy can just keep going forever.

So whatever little monster is driving me has her hand in a few different pots right now. There's the original plan I had to clean up my house and stick to a cleaning schedule, and while that's not been abandoned, per se, about halfway through, I decided to do a major rearrange of our home. Where we'd been using the larger of the two bedrooms as a den, the little one and I decided that it was time for her to have her own private space, so now I'm making the smaller bedroom into a playroom for her, which means I had to move the family bed out of there and into the big bedroom, which means I had to move the couch and TV out of the "den" and into the actual living room, which means I had to move all the toys out of the living room and into the smaller bedroom. It's like one of those puzzles where you have to move one square before you can move another square into place. But then there's a different piece in your way that has to be dealt with.
I do have my "before" pictures and I'm thinking now I ought to take some "intermediate" pics as well because the bedrooms at least are several times more disastrous than they were in the before pictures even.

Around the same time I decided upon this big change in the layout of our home, I also came up with yet another website/business idea, this time very different from a lot of my ideas of the past (and requiring much more regular input). My paying job is as a math tutor, and I've been toying with getting into online tutoring for a while, but I haven't really wanted to deal with scheduling clients and the irregular schedule that comes with tutoring. I'll talk more about this when the platform is ready to launch (and link of course!) but to make a long story short, the idea is for free or low-priced small group homework help on a drop-in basis - much like many colleges already offer, but online. So I can set my own schedule, and when someone needs just a little help with their math homework or to prepare before an exam, they can drop by during my office hours and ask for some help. I'm busy getting that all set up, and finding the right platform for live sessions.

And then, in the middle of those two projects, I also got the brilliant idea that I should get into woodworking and/or carpentry. I even bought my first power saw (I debated between a jigsaw and a circular saw and decided on the former because as someone pointed out, almost all power tool combos come with a circular saw, and few include a jigsaw. So now guess what's at the top of my Christmas list...) My plan was originally to build a loft in the playroom, though that plan got nixed - temporarily at least - when I realized that the size loft I wanted to build was going to block the only window in the room and that probably wasn't the safest idea fire-code-wise. So instead right now I've decided to just focus on making a really flippin' killer play kitchen. I first just wanted to do a few IKEA hacks using one of their play kitchens as a base, then adding on a couple more pieces, but then I read some blog posts by people using old furniture pieces, so after a trip to the local Habitat ReStore, our tiny bedroom is now packed full of actual cabinets that I bought for almost nothing just waiting to be sanded and painted and totally tricked out. Which also means I've spent hours and hours on SketchUp making 3D models of her room and all the pieces we've got (including all those loft ideas I ended up abandoning for now). And hours (but not hours and hours) finally learning Arduino. Yeah, really seriously tricked out.

Meanwhile, it's also NaNoPrepMo - that month before National Novel Writing Month when one ought to be getting organized and outlining if they're a planner and... I don't know, buying extra notebooks or rolling story dice or buying lots of liquor, or whatever it is that pantsers do before NaNoWriMo starts. Here I was at least a little bit logical and I realized that probably not much fiction writing would happen this November, with everything else I've got in the works. So I decided to be a full-on rebel this time, and doing my own NaNoBlogMo this November. My husband is taking the month off for residency interviews, so we'll be traveling a lot in November, and sticking to a regular NaNo schedule just wasn't going to happen anyway. During PrepMo, I've been brainstorming and outlining blog posts for both here and my new tutoring site. So there is more to come. As long as I do NaNo, anyway.

So that's most of what I've been up to. I'm conflicted because being the Jake Suit is wearing me the frak out, but on the other hand I'm getting so much done compared to normal. My therapist gave me some advice about how to STOP but...I'm not entirely convinced that's what I want. If I just ride it out, I'm sure I'll run out of steam before too long and things will go back to normal. Right?


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